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Have a look at our FAQ below to find the answers to our most asked questions. Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

  • What happens once I've booked a tour?
    You will be asked to pay the deposit directly to WeAdventure. Once those steps are completed you will be sent a rider data form before being added to the official ride roster. Once accepted onto the ride, we will send through various pre departure communications, such as a recommended reading and movie list. These are optional, but will add nicely to the experience and understanding of the region will will ride through. Prior to departure, you will receive a pre departure document with latest itinerary, packing suggestions and a contact details.
  • What should I bring on tour?
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    Any cancellation due to Covid restrictions in the destination will be refundable in full. In all other cases, the following cancellation fee is applied by WeAdventure: 46 – 120 days prior: Admin expenses* 31 – 45 days prior: 30% of the total price 8 - 30 days: 50% of the total price 0 – 7 days: No refund *Admin expenses are generally calculated as $150 to cover bank fees and admin, unless additional non recoverable supplier costs must also be deducted.
  • How do I proceed for the payment?
    Generally a 30% deposit is required upon booking. The remainder of the balance will be due 60 days prior to tour start. Credit card and bank transfer are accepted. Should the booking time be less than 60 days prior, full payment will be requested.
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